This tutorial shows how to setup your Android app project to use the DroidUX library with the ActionBarSherlock library.

To use the DroidUX library together with the ActionBarSherlock library in your application project, just follow these simple steps:

  1. Start Eclipse and create your app project
  2. Import the DroidUX-libproj project into the workspace and add it as an Android library in your app project.
  3. Copy the DroidUX .JAR file to the “/libs” folder under your app’s project root.
  4. Import the ActionBarSherlock library project into the workspace and add it as an Android library in your app project.
  5. The ActionBarSherlock library requires that your app’s theme derive from one of its predefined theme. So you need to make your app’s theme derive from one of the ActionBarSherlock theme.
  6. Copy the styles needed by DroidUX into your app’s theme. Use the Holo theme for API-11+.
  7. Register the DroidUX library in your Application object.
  8. Make sure that your activities extends the SherlockActivity instead of just Activity.

That’s it.

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